Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Private Sector Jobs

 By: Mason G.            

 In the month of February the goal of the private sector was to employ more people. The private sector had conducted a survey to try and figure out a good goal of new employees and that survey showed they would get about 170,000 new employees. To their surprise they ended up adding about 198,000 new jobs to the private sector. The private sector is the part of the national economy that is not under direct government control. Home prices have been on the rise since last February and this is because of a gain in construction jobs so this will improve the housing market. If the economy was doing better than it is the private sector would be adding about 300,000 jobs a month but 198,000 is very good due to the status of our economy. This increase in jobs is very high compared to the past several months. January was the second highest in just about a year and that month had increased jobs by 160,000 putting February at the highest in the past year. This is a very good step in the right direction for the private sector and the economy overall.

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