Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Problems with the Government and their Stimulus Checks

Sam Riek

In April of 2020, we had an unemployment rate at 14.7% which was 23,109,000 people that did not have a job, the reason is that the Covid Pandemic just started and companies weren’t making enough money to keep people hired. Right now the unemployment rate is 4.6% which is really good from April, but that is still 7,149,000 people that are unemployed. Right now, companies need people to hire but some people are not going out and getting jobs because the government is giving the money away. 

On CBS58, they say “The federal government has pumped about $4 trillion into the US economy since the pandemic began in March 2020, sending cash directly to households, boosting unemployment benefits”.  When money is given out to people who need the money and are unstable they should get the money, but if there are families that are stable enough to get food and water, they shouldn’t be needing the check from them. 

TBut, guess where the money is coming from, the money is coming from the middle class and high class. They had them  pay the government for the money through taxes, and it isn’t right for people from the middle class and high class to be giving their money to people who get money for free. But some may argue that some people can’t work, if they can’t work, they can’t work. 


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