Thursday, September 26, 2019

Investing -Joe & Brady


  1. I liked this video a lot! I think Joe's mom added a lot of credit to this podcast. I thought it was interesting when Joe's mom talked about tax brackets and how when you make much more money, you are going to be taxed a lot more, which I often don't think about when I think of the negatives about making a lot of money.

  2. I liked that you choose a different route then everyone else.Having Joes mom on there was a good idea because it sounded like she knew her stuff and it made people want to keep listening. The only thing I would switch is maybe just be a little more organized. On the fact that the podcast was all over. For example maybe have a set of questions that you ask your guest.

    1. Thanks for the input! Sounds like you know what you're talking about!

  3. This is a great video to give good tips on how to invest and comparing your lives on investors to adults, and how it may be more difficult than it seems. This video is also great because you get an adult's point of view, who clearly has a lot of experience and tips for those who are watching! I would say more statistics would have fit perfectly in this video, and explanations.

  4. I liked the financial expert aspect of your podcast,she brought a lot of information to the table that helped me understand your topic. It was also cool that you compared two different investing accounts.

  5. This video was very helpful, giving the audience the idea of investing and how investing early can really help you in the long-run. Having someone in the financial field to be apart of the podcast allowed the audience to be able to understand how investing actually works and what 4O1Ks work. It was also interesting to listen to this podcast because I don’t normally think about investing and retirement at my age, but it is something we all should be thinking about. I also was interested to hear that as you make more money you are also going to be taxed more as well.

  6. I really liked how informative and creative this podcast was. It gave a lot of good information on investing and the different types of investments people use and how it impacts their finances even through retirement. I also liked how you had a professionals point of view and her input on investments.

  7. Video was very informative, and really gave the audience a good idea on how investing works and how it can be better to start early. Your information on the 401k was also helpful and made me more conformable of the idea. I love how your mother was apart of it, and she was a real benefit to your pod-cast, she definitely new what she was talking about, and helped you guys quiet a bit.

  8. Great post! love that they took something they love to do and shared it with the class and added some humor to it so that it was still informative but there still was some humor. Thought it was interesting that younger people go harder when they open the account and then as you get older you want to protect your money more and more. Funny that older and more wise people see that it's better to protect your money and save. Gave us a lot of insight on retirement and when to start to get the best benefit.

  9. I felt like this post was an original way to present information. I liked how Joe's mom was able to clarify and give better examples on what you guys were saying, it allowed me to get a clearer image of the concepts you addressed. I do feel like you could have organized the podcast a little better because it seems all over at some points. It would have been cool if you talked about stocks more because that's a really big part of investing.

  10. This was a refreshing take on the whole finance blog. I think you guys are the only people to create a podcast which is really unique. I think that this format is a lot more casual and gives a more care free take on personal finance. This approach made me feel like I am in the room with you which I really appreciate. I think the information I learned especially about the Roth IRA was supremely beneficial and now I know when to open it and what to do with it. Thanks guys!

  11. I think that this post was very eye opening and informative about investing. I feel like Joe did a great job of simplifying things down and making it easier to understand, but the thing as a whole felt very hectic and out of sorts at times. Also, it was a very original idea for you two young men to do a podcast and I enjoyed it.

  12. Excellent video. I personally LOVED the Roth IRA segment. It is valuable to know how the Roth IRA works, and I find it interesting to know that you can take out the money you put in, but not the money that has accumulated interest. Great work!

  13. I liked how you were talking about IRAs and how much you could put in them per year. i also liked how you chose to do a podcast as it was a lot more audience friendly.


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