Healthy vs. Unhealthy Food
Liz Leist
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a way of life in which people can choose to participate. It is a lifestyle where staying healthy and putting good nutrients into your body is important in their daily lives. To others, it is about the dollar menu at McDonalds or the next big thing at Taco Bell. Many people think that eating healthy costs more than eating unhealthy. The truth is that it all depends on what you are actually buying. It could be a healthy selection from your local grocery store, for example Aldi, or an organic product from a higher end supermarket, like World Market. A recent study done by the Harvard School of Public Health students proves that on average it costs around $1.50 more a day eating healthy, than unhealthy eating, which yearly adds up to $550. This is an opportunity cost situation. If you spend money on healthy food, yes you may have less money for other things that you want, but this is a choice where money is well spent. Healthy eating is a good investment, even if it costs more money. In the end for the unhealthy food choice eaters, it has a chance of backfiring on them and could potentially cause health complications due to their unhealthy eating habits, and those medical bills can add up. When you look at it this way there should be no excuse to eating healthy, because you are doing yourself a favor by staying in good shape and not having the potential for a diet related chronic disease.
There are many different products that can be alternatives to junk food being such foods as peanut butter, fish, fresh vegetables, fruit, beans and rice. They can all be found at your local grocery store for reasonable prices, making them accessible to people. In other cases though, there are more than two million Americans that live 10 miles or more from a grocery store, because they live in such rural areas and households who have an accessible form of transportation live a little over half a mile from a supermarket. This causes scarcity in some parts of the world in low-income areas, causing them to not have a choice in what they choose to eat. These types of situations can be understandable, because fresh produce for example can only last a few days, and when the distance is long this can be a problem for those residents. For others though it does not take much to cook a simple healthy meal in less than 15 minutes.
By changing the way that you each, and with price not being that big of a difference, it can lower the risk of diet related chronic illnesses and health conditions. Would you rather pay $1.50 more a day for healthy, nutritious foods, or have to pay for future medical bills because of the consequences from unhealthy eating? Either way it is obvious that eating healthy is worth the $550 more a year, because it is the best thing that you can do for your body and health, even if you are on a budget. It will without a doubt increase your energy levels and overall emotional well being.
Bittman, Mark. "Is Junk Food Really Cheaper." The New York Times. The New York Times, 24 Sept. 2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.
"Distributist Party." : Healthy Food vs Fast Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.
"Healthy Eating." Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.
Polis, Carey. "Eating Healthy vs. Unhealthy Will Cost You $550 More Per Year, Study Reveals." The Huffington Post., 5 Dec. 2013. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. <>.
Liz nice post, The marginal utility for people who eat fast food is at a high right now in America. It taste so good and is really addicting, especially to those who would eat out every day. However, the marginal benefit of fast food is way under rated over the marginal cost. It is very interesting to learn that for the same money you could buy more healthy food than fast food that would help you in every way of your daily life yet people still choose the easy, bad for you, fast food. People are not necessarily willing to change even though of the price differences. They want something that will give them the maximum utility while also being the food that they enjoy and can get at easily. So far our nation is so obese I will be surprised at how long it will take for us to change because it will be a projected over 20 years before we turn this epidemic around.
ReplyDeleteI could not agree more with this post! I'd much rather pay more for healthy food than be paying a bunch of medical bills. Medical bills aren't cheap. An extra $1.50 is just too much for some people. Some people even think that $1 for a large soda at McDonald's is too much (I work there and they complain a lot about it). Right now all the prices at places like McDonald's are going up and a lot of regular people there aren't going as much, I've noticed. Hopefully more people will start eating healthier so they can become a healthier person. I'd much rather be fully energized and healthy than out of shape and sick a bunch. Eating healthy is really an easy way to fix your life if you're out of shape and your immune system kinda sucks.
ReplyDeleteI am extremely shocked that it only costs $1.50 more per day to eat healthy. I expected it to be much more considering fruit, vegetable, and organic food prices. The picture about $20 for healthy food vs unhealthy food was also very intriguing to me because that shocked me as well. That definitely should give people perspective who say that eating healthy costs too much because it truly doesn't and that food lasts much longer.
ReplyDeleteThe way you put into perspective the positive effects of spending more money was done in a very smart way. Right away many think that spending more is bad and spending less is good. In your article, however, you explain the idea of "money well spent". Another thing you were smart to include was the fact that by spending more on eating healthy, you are saving so much on medical bills and other expenses that arise with obesity, diabetes, and other weight issues. Spending more on being healthy basically pays for itself in the long run, and you can feel good about spending that extra $1.50 per day. I also found that it was interesting that in the picture you posted of healthy foods to buy and unhealthy foods to buy, you could get about an equal amount of healthy food as you could junk food for roughly the same price; and your body and lifestyle reaps the benefits.
ReplyDeleteThis post is so accurate it's insane. It's crazy to think that healthy food is so expensive compared to the price of fast food. Many people would rather have healthy food than have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to the doctor for things that are wrong with them. Hopefully in the near future the price of healthy, organic foods will decrease which then will promote healthier lifestyles for everyone. As you stated people should want to be healthier than only pay minimal amounts of money for food that is harming them as a whole. It's also insane how obesity is rising and it's making it harder for people to eat healthy because they are stuck in bad habits. Eating healthy is going to help a lot with life expectancy and will promote healthier lifestyles for everyone.
ReplyDeleteLiz, I totally agree with you. In the end the $550 dollars that you have can be spent on either a doctor visit alone or buy healthy food and stay out of the doctor's office. I've come to realize that eating healthier is better for you in every aspect. Your mood is lifted and everything you do is affected by it. We shouldn't be slumming down tot the dollar menu at Mc Donalds because even though you are spending more on healthier food, there is more to it then the mc chicken at mc donalds.
ReplyDeleteI really like that you brought up that eating healthy or unhealthy is an opportunity cost situation. I agree that it is well worth everyone’s money to eat healthier, but it’s sad that some people view $550 a year as more valuable than being healthy. Although people do not need to eat healthy every day of the year, if they were to eat healthy 5/7 of the days they would only be spending $380 more a year. The opportunity cost of the $550 or $380 shouldn't be more valuable than a healthy lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteIn your last graph, it shows how the prices of healthy food has risen. Farmers know that the demand for these healthy foods is going up so they are going to increase the prices to make a larger profit. This will only make it harder for people who are on a tight budget to eat healthy.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with this post I would love to feed my daughter all organic everything but it is pretty expensive and I do shop at aldis but there is some stuff like their produce that I just won't buy due to some things that I've read about and seen on the news but you are right it is an opportunity cost and I agree that putting your health first should be the most important thing.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to see the overall amount of extra money spent, around $550 yearly, when purchasing healthier foods. Like you mentioned, the opportunity cost is the saved money; however, for some the question is if the trade off of a healthier life style is worth the extra money. It is possible that spending the money on healthier food now can be beneficial in the long run. However, an overall healthy life style does not end with just a healthy diet, rather it consist of exercise and overall balance. Another trade off to consider is whether you want to purchase a gym membership. Similar to the healthy diet, the extra cash could be saved for something else; however, living a healthier life and reducing the risk of health diseases later on may be a benefit that outweighs the original cost of a gym membership. In our free market, it is up to the consumer to decide what choice, healthy vs. unhealthy they want to make.
ReplyDeleteYour perspective of having a larger investment benefiting the consumer is interesting and not what many people think - in this case I totally agree with you that it benefits you more even though you're spending more money. The idea that in the long run, spending more money on food to make sure it's healthy for your body, will save money for future issues such as medical. Something too you could add would be how healthier food is going to fill you up faster - meaning you don't have to use up or buy as much food products.
ReplyDeleteFor people who don't have enough of an income to purchase these healthy foods, it seems as if junk food or fast food would be a good alternative. It is inexpensive and quick; most of these families have neither the time, or the money to eat healthy and feed their families. I do believe that everyone should eat healthy, but if it cuts into some of the other budgets like paying bills or debts then it shouldn't happen. The things we need in life should not be more expensive than the things we want. If every necessity in our lives costed more than our desires then where would our world be?
ReplyDeleteI was actually thinking about doing my future post on this. This year I've really seen the difference in buying healthy foods versus unhealthy junk food and notice that when I go to the store and buy healthy foods I always end up spending more. We are so worried on the weight of the people in the United States that we sit here at school and drill children on their weight and what they should eat but we forget to tell them the cost of what it takes to eat healthy foods. I do agree with you that it is a good thing to do and that you should take out the extra $550 a year and not go out to eat as much to help budget that. But anyways, good post!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait till eating healthy is even easier. There could be fast food places that serve only healthy foods. This is starting to be more popular like places like Jamba Juice which only serves healthy smoothies and food. I still also think that fast food should cost more because then more people would eat healthier and more would eat healthier. This would all help the obesity problem. This was all really informational I never knew that it cost $550 that is so much more that just eating unhealthy.
ReplyDeleteEven though I absolutely love my McDonald's I do feel like a lot of Americans should be eating a lot healthier. I mean people that don't have a steady income or people that are on the go can choose a quick, fast, hot meal. Fast food is a cheap and easy way on filling your stomach but it isn't the healthiest chooses we could be using or doing. We need to be eating things like fiber and greens more to fill us up. It is a better way to live life and you will be surprised on how much energy you'll have life at the end of the day.
ReplyDeleteCollege is important to eat healthy and this blog post is a good tool to help eating healthy. A lot of college students don’t have a lot of money, so like what Mr. Reuter did in college, people like to eat roman noodles because its cheep. Like what you showed in your picture, eating healthy can be cheep so that eating roman noodles doesn’t have to be an option.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great piece of writing Liz! This article really puts into perspective how important healthy eating is. With the way most people discuss the prices of healthy foods, I would have thought that healthy eating would be a lot more expensive than you described, but $1.50 more a day? That’s not bad at all for the health benefits that come along with eating better foods. This was a great subject to bring to people’s attention, nice job!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your main point, that it is a small price to pay to eat healthy in American and that it is very important. I think another point to this topic would be the idea that the 'dollar menu' is so convenient to the public. Since they are selling food for so cheap, the demand for that food is going to go up naturally. I mean, although the food at Mc Donalds is very bad for you, most people can't go wrong with a dollar mc chicken and small fry. While I agree that it is a small price and very important to eat healthy, fast food chains such as Mc Donalds have consumers wrapped around their fingers because their food is so incredibly convenient and cheap, that they will always make money and their food will always be in high demand.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the way you looked at this was fantastic. The way you explained this using the economics terms was actually really interesting. I completely agree with you that the cost of eating healthier may "cost" more money-wise, but in the long run you're going to be benefiting from it in a better way. Everybody now days goes to McDonald's and taco bell probably several times a week, and it's probably because of how cheap it is, like you said. I think that more people should realize that you can get foods better for you for around the same price, and the opportunity cost is going to benefit you and others around you.
ReplyDeleteThis article brings up multiple good points, and somewhat explains why the United States has an apparent obesity problem. Corporations know that people will buy their products if they lower their prices, but the real cost, for the American people, is the loss of their good health. You can buy huge sodas for like 99 cents at the gas station and it's utterly ridiculous! Excessive refined sugar consumption can lead to candida overgrowth, naturally occurring bacteria in your stomach, and can cause serious health concerns for you later in life.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this post, because my family has actually been making efforts to live a healthier lifestyle. We've always shopped at Aldi, but now we realize how easy it is to stock our house with healthy foods, simply because their prices are so affordable and low. We've always been into fitness, but now we're taking it pretty seriously. This post really spoke to me, because although I knew eating healthy and exercising was important, you actually gave me insight of how important it is through data and practical thinking. You put it into a much bigger picture by mentioning that the opportunity cost of spending a little more to buy healthy food far outweighs the opportunity costs that are associated with choosing to live an unhealthy lifestyle, diabetes for example. I hope everyone sees the logic in this! Our country should really stress the factors mentioned in your post, because maybe it will be able to help with our obesity problem, even in a small way.
ReplyDeleteIt's so odd that junk food ended up more cheap than healthy foods. I'd probably attribute this to shelf life mostly, especially when every restaurant in the fast food business can make more money by shipping in food that takes 3 years to expire as apposed to perishables that will last maybe a week, maximum. If there was a way to create or seal in fresh food so that it wouldn't expire nearly as quickly, maybe the population would be more inclined to buy food that wouldn't go bad before being eaten,and then they'd be on to something.
ReplyDeleteAwesome article! The article reminds me of something my mom said to me "How much is your life worth?" She was refereeing to the fact that she was willing to pay more money for healthier foods because she knew that it would help the whole family live longer and better lives. I think that is way fast food companies make their food so cheap. The reasoning is because people would rather buy better tasting food that is bad food than buying healthier food that doesn't taste as god. I think that the government should make the price of healthier foods less to encourage better eating habits.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very interesting topic but so true! It's so expensive to eat healthy in America and because of how cheap and easily accessible fast food is, busy Americans typically choose the easy way out and grab fast food on their way to work, school, or sporting events. In the long run spending $550 for a healthy lifestyle is a small price to pay. Spending more will also stimulate our economy, alongside improving the health of American citizens. Encouraging Americans to demonstrate better eating habits will be beneficial in more one reasons than one.
ReplyDeleteGood topic Liz! I know in your blog you mentioned that there are some people do not live close enough to healthy food places like grocery stores. I actually researched this in another class and they are called food deserts. They are usually urban areas that don't have daily access to fresh foods. I believe America should have more "healthy fast food" restaurants because another issue in America is that everyone has somewhere to go and don't have time to make healthy meals at home. Also a way that America should be aware of the effects that eating fast food can cause we should talk about it more in schools and have advertisements in grocery stores promoting healthier food options.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading about this topic. I heard about this before on how it cost a lot more to eat healthy which leads to the lower class having a higher obesity rate. It all makes sense but at the same time I fell that in some situations it may be impossible to change.
ReplyDeleteI know that I have heard people saying how expensive healthy eating is but for only $550 extra a year, it seems as though the benefits outweigh the costs here (maybe not in the short term but potentially, definitely in the long term). It seems as though, if people knew prices for healthier foods were cheaper than they think, the demand for them would increase. Sure higher priced items are decreasing the demand and that is probably due to tastes and income determinants, however, I personally don’t think that the effect is that great to where it will cause an issue for the general population.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you! Eating a good, healthy meal is definitely worth the few extra dollars. It's true that if you just eat junk food everyday because it's cheaper than healthy food it will eventually add up. Eating junk food all of the time isn't good and will for sure cause health issues, which will end up costing way more than the few extra dollars you would spend each trip to the store. I believe that the government should look into lowering the prices of healthy food and making the fast food places more expensive. It would cause more of a scarcity effect in the fast food places which would be great for our local grocery stores because more people would go there and buy the good food that they need to be eating instead of all of the greasy stuff. I like this article a lot because it proves to people that they really do need to start eating healthier. My family and I have been starting to do this and I feel great. Not only will it not cause health problems but it will make you feel and look good. Our government needs to work on lowering the prices of the food that is good for you because I think more people would buy it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good article. You always hear that eating healthy costs more, but when I think of where I hear it, it's usually on a commercial for something that will allow you to buy cheaper healthy food and make it easier to eat, like a blender, for example, so you can mix good tasting fruits with cheaper bad tasting vegetables and only taste the fruit. Also, I know how much medical bills can cost, and that $550 a year is a very good investment as opposed to spending enormous amounts of money later. It's like a cheap form of insurance.
ReplyDeleteThis is such an interesting topic, and I've heard it debated many times. One factor which also impacts people's health decisions is convenience. Fresh food has to be prepared, but a bag of chips or a McDouble comes ready to eat. In addition, only certain items can be purchased with food stamps, or received at food pantries. The lower class doesn't always have a choice. I think that in the long run, we're going to have to change the way Americans think about food, and the way companies think about making food, before we can truly change American diets.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Liz, I think there is a much larger opportunity cost for people who choose to be unhealthy. This topic interests me a lot and a lot of the things I've read site tons of proof that our diets have an impact on almost all diseases. Food is like fuel and if you fill your car with the wrong fuel it will hurt the engine; the same goes for the human body. By eating healthy people are forgoing disease and tons of medical bills. Maybe if the entire nation ate healthy medical coverage wouldn't be as huge of an issue. I understand that healthy food may not always be convenient but going to the doctor isn't convenient either, it really is all about opportunity costs.
ReplyDeleteI've recently changed my eating habits to a healthier, more nutritious diet and I agree that it is worth the few extra dollars to buy the healthier food. Healthy food doesn't always have to taste bad, in fact, there are so many more better tasting substitutes out there! The people who make the decision to eat unhealthy will carry a larger opportunity cost because there are so many other, better decisions they could make with that money. I think the main reason for America's bad health is that although there is always a grocery store a few miles away, so is a McDonald's or other fast food restaurant and it is so much more convenient and cheap to pull up through the drive-thru and order off of the dollar menu. You raise many valid points and I agree with you completely! The economy is largely effected by America's health decisions as well.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very interesting post, I have heard this debate many times and it seems unhealthy foods have continued to increase. I believe the problem with the society's obesity issue is how easy and common fast food restaurants are. Not only is fast food easy but also cheap. It would cost twice as much to make a hamburger at home then it would at McDonald's or Burger King. Our country needs to stress this issue in order to stop obesity.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading this post, but found that the focus on cost as the sole factor in healthy eating habits was largely inaccurate. The availability of time also makes contributions to the decision-making process. That being said, the article is correct on a number of different levels. The only problem is that the issues addressed in the article are far too broad to be attributed to a single economic problem. I would have to disagree in that convenience and time are much more influential than is depicted. A healthy lifestyle is dependent not only on money, but on the availability of recreational time.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with this article. I had no idea it only cost $1.50 a day to eat healthier. At that price why doesn't everyone eat better? Sure, it's easier to just go to McDonald's and buy and big mac and some fries but at what cost. Everyone complains about the prices of a healthier lifestyle but nobody looks at how much they spend buying the easy way out. The debate about healthy vs. unhealthy has been going on for quite some time and looking at your statistics, healthy food should win for sure.
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We want to give our pets the best possible nutrition, but with so many choices, how do we separate the best from the rest? Do words like "premium" and "gourmet" actually mean anything? Are foods labeled "natural" and "organic" actually healthier? The truth is, when it comes to pet food, many of these terms have no standard definition or regulatory meaning. There is no one perfect source for comparing kibbles and chows. Here we're going to talk about some basic information that you can use to evaluate what you feed your four-legged family members. chinse new year goodies are best
ReplyDeleteWe want to give our pets the best possible nutrition, but with so many choices, how do we separate the best from the rest? Do words like "premium" and "gourmet" actually mean anything? Are foods labeled "natural" and "organic" actually healthier? The truth is, when it comes to pet food, many of these terms have no standard definition or regulatory meaning. There is no one perfect source for comparing kibbles and chows. Here we're going to talk about some basic information that you can use to evaluate what you feed your four-legged family members. Golden Corral Guide
ReplyDeleteWe want to give our pets the best possible nutrition, but with so many choices, how do we separate the best from the rest? Do words like "premium" and "gourmet" actually mean anything? Are foods labeled "natural" and "organic" actually healthier? The truth is, when it comes to pet food, many of these terms have no standard definition or regulatory meaning. There is no one perfect source for comparing kibbles and chows. Here we're going to talk about some basic information that you can use to evaluate what you feed your four-legged family members. order online
ReplyDelete"A human being can survive just fine living on a diet of hamburgers and fast food." If you believe this statement to be true and also happen to own a backyard Koi pond, chances are you also believe there is little difference between available fish foods on the market. A2 Cow Ghee
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