Thursday, March 10, 2016

Why you Shouldn't Support PETA

Why You SHOULDN’T Support PETA
By: Tyler Caraulia
*This article contains information on animal cruelty, abuse, and religion mockery. Photos are too graphic to show, please visit one of the links below to see.*

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or, PETA, claims to be an animal rights group. However, some of their actions also involve not only hurting people, but the animals they “love and support” too.
At the top of PETA’s web page, they have the statement, “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.” With over 3 million supporters, PETA has made a total revenue of $44,923,150 dollars. “We expended only 15.5 percent on fundraising efforts that drive our operations and 1.9 percent on management and general operations.” This all according to their financial reports which can be found on their website. And in the past, PETA has made some big steps towards the Animal Rights Movement; like filing the first lawsuit to become owners of animals being experimented on. Now, their once good intentions, have turned into unethical treatment of both animals and people.
In 2014 alone, PETA managed to take in 2,631 animals into their possession. Of these, 252 were transferred, 39 adopted, and killed 2,324. From ‘98 to ‘14, 33,514(86.64%) of the animals that were taken shelter there, were euthanized, many within the first 24 hours of their arrival. Dr. Daniel Kovich inspected one of PETA’s shelters in 2010 and found that their adoption rate dropped from 14% to 0.7% the year before, meaning that 2,317 dogs and cats came in, and only 0.7% came out. Kovich released his statement to the public stating, “The findings of this site visit support the assertion that PETA does not operate a facility that meets the statutory definition of an animal shelter as the primary purpose is not to find permanent adoptive homes for animals.” And PETA’s defense? They claim that the euthanized pets were suffering and/or close to death when they arrived. While that is hard to believe in of itself, PETA also has actively seized owned pets and killed them, and their version of burial for other victims was stuffing them in garbage bags and dumping them in a dumpster. If that wasn’t bad enough for you, just wait till you hear about the type of advertising and protest rallies.
PETA has done direct attacks to religion, families, and even fun games that are sewn in our childhood memories. In 2004, PETA made a billboard promoting Vegetarianism by putting up a picture of a pig in a grassy field with the words, “He Died for your Sins.” The next year in Berlin, a similar protest was held, this time they have a man hanging on a cross, crucified, and wearing a pig mask. In 2006 there was another anti-meat protest where they put humans on a plastic covered tray that is decorated with fake blood and even a pricing sticker.
One story is of a family that had their pet chihuahua stolen from them by PETA, where video evidence shows a van with PETA’s logo taking the dog without cause. The owner was later visited by the thieves, gifted with a fruit basket and bearing news that their dog had been killed. Another billboard incident occurred in 2011, where a man who needed 800 stitches after a shark attack, was attacked further by PETA with a billboard that had a shark carrying a human leg with the words, “Payback Is Hell” in order to promote Veganism. In 2003 near Christmas, PETA made a graphic comic titled, “Your Mommy Kills Animals!” And handed it out to children who were with women wearing fur. Similar comics had been made; “Grrr! Kids Bite Back”, was a comic where the students who received it were asked to, “compare the progression of the civil rights movement in the U.S. to the current animal rights movement.” While comparing African-American slaves to livestock animals.
PETA has also released a number of spin-off video games, one being the famous Pokemon. In the Pokemon series, the games are titled by colors and gemstones--PETA decided that they should make their own called, “Pokemon Black & Blue” where the cover is bloodied made to look like how a dog-fight would. The Pokemon shown are in terrible condition and have a strong implication of abuse.
PETA has made itself famous. To some who don’t know these facts, PETA is a wonderful organization that wants to save animals. To those who do, PETA is a dangerous, radical organization that isn’t all good as others seem to think. So next time you see a PETA ad or someone talking about how great it is, please let them know that they have been misinformed and/or, direct them to one or all of the websites below.

Works Cited


  1. It is crazy how we think that PETA Is helping animals, but underneath all of that there is things that they are doing to hurt animals. I agree that people should know about what PETA is actually doing, and they should be informed of the harm that they are bringing to animals. People should not be funding an organization that is using its money for wrong. I’m not saying that everything they do is wrong, but a lot of it is.

  2. At this point, PETA is nothing more than a bad joke. A group of radicals who have put themselves on a platform of self righteousness. I think one of the biggest problems with PETA isn't to do with the organization itself, but rather the fact that there is nobody to regulate their actions, because some of the things they do are just unjustifiable. There needs to be someone telling PETA what they can and can't do while also having the authority to make them do it, because right now they're out of control.

    Kelin Olson

  3. IF this is all true, PETA should not be limited to being unsupported, but the entire organization should be terminated.

  4. I have never agreed with what PETA does. The way of nature is that we need to eat, so we eat animals. The fact that they are trying to change what has been going on for thousands of years is mind blowing. If PETA is so against animal abuse, and mistreatment of living things, then they shouldn't be taking all of those animals in and killing them. PETA lying about what they do for the animals should get them shut down. They act like they help animals as much as they can, and save them; but then they kill them? That's not right. Often times, pets are very happy where they live, the instance where they stole the dog, and killed it is just unbelievable.

  5. I found this article really interesting. I personally have stopped eating meat recently and have looked to PETA and seen their website. I find it really sad that a company with so much potential could be doing the horrible stuff you mentioned in this article. I believe there is a way to express your opinions about vegetarianism and veganism without going overboard like PETA has done in some of their campaigns to advertise their life style.

  6. PETA wanting to protect animals is a good idea, I mean we can be kind of cruel, but they are trying to change society, they are trying to get people to stop eating meat, which is not something you can just change. What PETA does to animals, is completely the opposite of their goal, instead of saving animals, they just kill them, which makes no sense. If they are trying to save animals, there has to be something better than just killing them and saying, “Oh they were almost dead anyways so it doesn’t matter”. As someone who has seen the Pokemon spin-off game, the way people are portrayed is nothing how we really are. Again, people can be cruel, but we aren’t as bad as the humans are in the game.

  7. People at my work call me “PETA” due to how big of an animal rights activist I am. This article shocked me and I wasn’t aware of how bad PETA was. I knew they were having some problems and had a bad reputation these past couple of years but I didn’t know the organization went to this big of an extreme. It’s sad how downhill this organization has gone recently and they don’t practice what they preach. More people need to know what this organization is doing and how they are treating their animals. Besides the Chihuahua, it shocked me that they tried comparing and contrasting animal abuse to the abuse of a certain group of people. Really good and interesting post!

  8. Wow, informative article! I am amazed that they kill so many animals themselves. What a bunch of phonies! All that money donated to PETA and they are no better than the ones they criticize. Makes me want to hug my dog more!!

  9. This article really surprised me. I had no idea that an organization that stood for such good values had such bad intentions at heart. I would find it interesting if you found the economic profit/ loss of killing these animals. I think it would give a great insight as to why this is happening and if there is any way that we can try and stop it. Overall, great article with really great facts!

  10. Never really liked PETA. I like animals and such but they take it to a whole new level, plus I didn't really believe they were the angels to animals that everyone thought they were. I watched the South Park episode where they were integrating with animals, and I was quite disgusted with them. Raping animals? That's wrong. Obviously it's South Park, and most of the time, the truth is stretched just a little bit, but PETA is just a scam, a business venture for people who want to make money while hurting animals. Good article, good job, you deserve a cookie.

  11. I was never informed on how PETA actually treats animals until just a few years ago. Since then, I have never been in agreement with what they do. It is horrific that they kill so many of the animals that they claim to love and nurture. They are an abusive scam that degrade the way humans have lived for thousands of years prior to their existence. They have no right to intervene with the religious beliefs, or any other aspect of someones life. Good article.

  12. This article surprised me, because when normally when people think of PETA they just think they're a popular group of animal rights activists doing what is right for mistreated animals. It's crazy to find out how downhill their organization has gone. They have the right idea, I believe we should do something about the mistreatment of animals as well, but the way they're acting is insane. If more people knew about what they did they would not still be a functioning organization. This article was really eye opening for me as I always thought PETA was doing good things even if their advertisements were a little extreme.

  13. I wish I could say this surprised me but, sadly, it doesn’t. Groups like PETA have been around since people started eating meat. Those people who think that eating protein filled food is the worst sin imaginable have to be somewhat crazy, right? Meat is necessary to keep oneself alive. Sure you can get some of the same protein in some other way but, there is some that you can only get from meat. My step-mother doesn’t eat any meat whatsoever and it really ends up taking a serious hit to people's health. When i think back, I do recall seeing the advertisement of the shrink wrapped human but, i had no idea that it was made by PETA. Although the advertisements against meat-eaters seems like a normal reaction to a group like them, they ended up blowing it way out of proportion. By attacking religious groups, I’m actually at a loss of words here. It’s unbelieveable. ‘Proving’ their point by insulting religious groups is like trying to prove the military is too destructive by insulting teachers. They are two completely unrelated things. However, the thing I find most disturbing about this article was learning that, even after all of this crazy stuff, they are still being funded millions of dollars by it’s supporters. PETA needs to be destroyed.

  14. Although I'm sort of an animal activist myself, and I support the ideas of trying to inform people on the effect of their eating habits have on these animals. I don't think it's very ethical of PETA to be supporting equality of animals if they contradict the same values towards human nature. The consumption of animal is unfortunate but some people don't know anything different. Despite the horrendous costs of vegan or organic, not many people have the funds to support that lifestyle. So for organization like PETA, saying they're pro acceptance of all living things, I don't find it fair that they're directly attacking religions or families, arguing what they're doing is a "sin". In reality, it's a persons god given right to nourish their bodies with whatever they deem necessary. No person should be de moralized because the life choices they make. Really good article. I appreciate someone shedding the light on a heavy topic like this.

  15. I understand how PETA would be trying to attempt to inform the public on the abuse of animals, yet their methods do seem extreme, and dishonorable. It does seem that their main priority has become more profits than improving the treatment of animals, according to the statistics you had given. It's crazy to see a company that advertises their support for the proper treatment of animals can be so cruel.

  16. I always knew PETA people were crazy, so there was never a doubt in my mind. Yes their purpose which what they promote constantly makes sense. They want to stop animals from getting to abused, which is completely understandable. But when they go out of their way to hurt other people, especially with that shark billboard, that's just ridiculous. I hate people that are like that, human lives should matter more than animals lives to me. Animals are innocent but sharks and stuff that's just dumb. So PETA should just go, and stop being a problem in society.


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