Thursday, February 7, 2013

Apple in China

By Terry Richard

Although Apple appears to have complete dominance throughout the world, their stock value is steadily decreasing. Apple’s sales are still increasing, yet their value is decreasing. How could this be? Essentially, this is because of the smartphone explosion overtaking our society today. People are finding it necessary to purchase a smartphone, and more people are choosing smartphones over iPhones. In addition, people are becoming less willing to pay for yearly updates when previous models appear to suffice. Unless a new and popular product comes out, this will likely continue. In conclusion, Apple is becoming a less dominant force; however they maintain overall superiority in the market.

Despite the appearance that Apple is declining, this is only relative to other markets. At the end of the fiscal year in this past September, total sales added up to over $22.5 billion. This is more than double the sales during the previous year.

This graph illustrates the overall stock value in China and the rest of the world. Apple Inc. has been declining since approximately October. However, the value of Apple in China has been increasing since October. These trends are expected to continue in the future.

Despite Apple’s relative decline, Apple is growing throughout China. This is because Apple has made special efforts to gain popularity in the world’s most populous country. The trend of Apple building in China is expected to continue. In the past year in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), sales have grown 67%. Apple has plenty to be excited about in expanding markets, but the growth is slowing and stalling in developed markets. This is why Apple is making an effort to expand sales in China and other more populous countries. For example, in Brazil and India, rich citizens find it necessary to purchase an iPhone, according to author Sean Geary. These observations indicate the positive correlation between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and iPhone purchases. GDP measures gross domestic product, and measures the total value of the goods and services produced by a country in one year.

Despite the short term loss in popularity, Apple is only expected to decline in the short run. The short run refers to the conceptual time period where all factors are fixed for the business. The decline is mostly because Apple’s new products are quite similar to their old products. Consumers are accepting the iPhone 4, causing the popularity to decrease in the iPhone 5. This is the main source of revenue for Apple, thus this is a huge blow for the company. Fortunately, Apple is expected to see better opportunities in the long run, where all factors are variable. Apple is powerful enough where they can easily survive through short run losses, while being able to gain potential profits in the long run. These incentives to succeed in developing countries are motivating Apple and other competing companies to attempt to sell in China and other developing countries. Emerging markets will drive Apple 
to succeed, and inevitably profits can relatively increase if Apple attacks the market properly.


  1. This was an insightful post about the current state of the iPhone economy, with the growing influence of the Android market and the saturation of iPhones combined with the decline in innovation have made sales drop. People in developed nations already have a phone that accomplishes their daily tasks and do not feel the need to spend such a large amount for a slightly newer phone. Unless there is a major new innovation, apple will have to look at other countries in order to increase their sales.

  2. Your blog entry brought to the surface something we all don't think about. We don't necessarily think about how a company can put themselves at a disadvantage. With Apple, they appealed to a consumer want of a high-tech phone that put them into direct competition with other Smartphone companies. In the start, like you stated, there was a large increase in the demand for the Iphone. However throughout the past years they have created many different variations of the Iphone that aren’t producing as much income. This is because consumers are satisfied with the previous Iphones that they don’t feel the need for advancement


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