Do you believe that Apple is the most valuable company in the world of cash & money? Well we all know that Apple makes a lot of money, well maybe too much money in that they have to ship some of the money from sales off to countries overseas because of high taxes here in the USA. According to CNN Money, Apple has over $246 billion in cash in overseas accounts. In which is absolutely crazy to think about, they even have more cash than the GDP of many countries from Finland, Chile, and many other countries. So why does Apple have all this money in overseas accounts? It's because of extremely high taxes in the US and Apple doesn’t want to lose any of its money it just wants more and more, but to be fair though Apple uses their money to research new ideas for the new iPhones, iPads, Macbooks, Apple Watches, and many other of their technology to make it better than ever before. Plus they have to pay their workers because no one likes to work for free for his or her hard work all day. With all this said, Apple is going to keep on growing and keep pushing the milestones higher and higher every day. Apple is the most valuable company on the S&P 500 which is the 500 largest companies having common stock listed on the stock market, they even passed being worth over $1 trillion dollars and growing.
Above you see a demand curve for the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and the iPhone SE. Everybody has different wants and needs for his or her phones so that's why Apple makes so many different types of iPhones. The more products they have the more money they make and they more money they make the larger they become. Apple will always be one of the largest companies in the world based on economics, data, research, and overall knowledge of the company. They might even pass the GDP of the USA one day, you never know what a company is capable of in the world of technology.
Works Cited
“Apple Accelerates US Investment and Job Creation.” Apple (Canada), 31 Aug. 2018,
Archanco, Eduardo. “The Price Elasticity of the IPhone Demand.” The Technalyzer, 30 Mar. 2017,
The maker of iEverything had $246.1 billion in cash, and Investments On Its Balance Sheet As Of The End Of Its Most Recent Quarter. “Apple Has $246 BILLION in Cash, Nearly All Overseas.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network,