Thursday, September 30, 2021

Make your bed in the Morning!

Joe Fedder 

When you wake up each morning do you make your bed? Maybe it’s too much work, your running late, or you’ll do it tomorrow. Wouldn't it be nice if a small amount of time each morning can change your life? 

Make Your Bed, Change Your Life | HuffPost Life

A study showed that roughly 70% of adult Americans make their bed each morning, and most of those interviewed gave positive feedback. 

One reason to start this healthy habit is to start your day off right. Your brain feeds off of small accomplishments to get a feel good chemical called dopamine. Increased amounts of dopamine contribute to your overall happiness, and improves your mood and mental health.

Another positive outcome is that making your bed encourages you to keep the rest of your room tidy and organized, leading to having a more organized car, house, and lifestyle.

Making your bed makes you more productive! Being in control and making good decisions can lead to other healthy decisions throughout the day. Maybe after making your bed you will second guess eating a whole box of donuts for breakfast.

Lastly, it feels good. When you have a rough day, and come home exhausted, laying down in a neat and fresh bed is the best recovery. Having a made bed improves: sleep, relaxation, and overall mood. 

Admiral McRaven addresses the University of Texas at Austin Class of 2014

In conclusion, the marginal benefits of making your bed exceed the marginal cost of time and effort. Everyone should try to make their bed in the morning to improve their sleep, happiness, and productivity.

Ullman, Michelle. “5 Surprising Benefits to Making Your Bed Every Morning.” The Spruce, 


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