Thursday, October 27, 2016

The very first CoverBOY

The Very First CoverBOY
By Bella Mouradian
For the past roughly 60 years, Covergirl has been inspiring makeup enthusiasts with the popular faces of famous women. The covers of these magazines have helped women start modeling as well as boost their careers. For the majority of these years, females were the ones who really showed an interest in this brand, therefore females always starred on the cover of the magazines. As the male makeup industry has increased this past year however, Covergirl decided to try something new. For the first time in history, they launched a male as the face of the Covergirl magazine, therefore calling it “CoverBOY”.

The young boy who starred on the cover is a 17 year old from New York named James Charles. He started his makeup inspired instagram a year ago and it’s been flourishing ever since. With James’s confidence, the demand for the male makeup industry has increased tremendously. Males all over the world are feeling more comfortable and confident with trying new things and feeling courageous enough to post their makeup looks online. While this trend has helped some male’s confidence, it has also helped the makeup industry financially. With the help of makeup products being promoted, sales are increasing, therefore supply is increasing.

However, with every bold move like this comes some controversy. According to the Christian Post, there have been some people who disapprove with this action. Mostly, these people have been very religious and have had a problem with our society “brainwashing” children into believing genders don’t exist. These people also fear that this will affect the makeup industry negatively by incorporating men. Most of these people frown on men wearing makeup and expressing themselves because they’re very religious and don’t approve of males identifying themselves as women, or acting feminine in general.

Overall, while the demand is increasing for feminine products since both genders are using them, companies are increasing the prices of popularly used products. For example, a very commonly used brand ,NARS, has increased their already expensive concealer from $27 to $29. Although this concealer only comes in a very small tube, NARS can get away with raising the price because they know people will continue to buy it. Men in particular are purchasing a lot of this concealer because of the amazing coverage it gives them when trying to cover up their manly features.

All in all, this decision to have a boy on the cover has helped Covergirl as well as many other makeup brands tremendously, even after the comments from those who disagree. In the future, I predict that the makeup industry will continue to grow and get larger as both women and men continue to experiment and try new things.


  1. With a start to a new type of makeup consumers, it will definitely bring a higher demand. Makeup companies will obviously benefit greatly from this. Bella talks about how NARS has increased some prices. This is a result of the increase in demand. Instead of increasing production, NARS wants to make more money by just charging more for their product. This situation is a great example of what happens when demand increase, and it shows why demand could increase.

  2. It is not completely surprising to see a boy on the cover of a makeup magazine because of how much our country has evolved regarding the acceptance of the LGBT community and gender equality. In the past few years there have been instances that have helped resolve the animosity towards LGBT and others. For example, same-sex marriage was declared legal in all 50 states as of June 2015, and there have been many movements and actions done to support things like this. From an economic standpoint, allowing a male to star on the cover of one of the most well known beauty magazine's, Covergirl, is definitely going to help many brands make more money. Now, the guy on the cover of this magazine may not be classified at all in the LGBT community, he simply might just be a man who likes makeup. But, this act is going to motivate other men who like makeup to not be as ashamed, and go out and purchase makeup. Although the company is going to face ostentatious comments or responses from some haters for featuring a man on the cover, it is most likely an embraced and accepted concept, thus increasing the demand of makeup for both genders. This is going to affect supply and demand because there are going to be more consumers who are going to demand more makeup, so producers are going to have to supply more makeup to profit.

  3. I thought this was a very interesting topic to talk about because of the fact that we do have a lot more controversy based on gender identification within the past couple years than we have ever seen in history.I do believe that on the industry's part this new CoverBOY was a very good sales tactic. For generations it has been an "unwritten rule"- so to speak, that (most) only women wear makeup. Therefore, (most) only women purchase makeup products. Now that covergirl/boy is breaking that unwritten rule it creates a whole new market for the makeup industry.

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  5. I think it’s a good idea that Covergirl has decided to men on the cover. It will allow Covergirl and other makeup companies to have a greater output when producing more products. It will also help with confidence like you said which is great. However I don’t think it’s a good idea that companies are increasing their prices even if it is only a few dollars because some makeup brands are already expensive. Overall it’s a good idea that Covergirl is changing and showing new faces.

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  7. I saw this video last night on Facebook of men getting there hair line filled in, and their beard. and I really made me start thinking that men's makeup might be a thing of the future. I feel like makeup is beyond gender, and gender is just holding us back as a society. there are male models and males on tv who already wear some makeup just for touch ups. The make up industry would prosper greatly if it was more gender fluid, and looked at as just another thing to get ready in the morning. Androgynous people have been around forever, and i cant believe that it isn't as accepted and this is the first cover boy ever. I'm glad they took this leap in the makeup world and i hope to see more men embarrassing makeup.

  8. I saw this video last night on Facebook of men getting there hair line filled in, and their beard. and I really made me start thinking that men's makeup might be a thing of the future. I feel like makeup is beyond gender, and gender is just holding us back as a society. there are male models and males on tv who already wear some makeup just for touch ups. The make up industry would prosper greatly if it was more gender fluid, and looked at as just another thing to get ready in the morning. Androgynous people have been around forever, and i cant believe that it isn't as accepted and this is the first cover boy ever. I'm glad they took this leap in the makeup world and i hope to see more men embarrassing makeup.

  9. As the output of advertisements with men wearing makeup increases, so will the sales of those makeup brands, as you pointed out. This population change for makeup companies will increase the demand of these makeup products because as men see other men wearing makeup they might start to join in on the trend, therefore increasing the demand, like you said. I feel as though those super religious people who were offended by this magazine will eventually come around as society shifts and adapts to these new looks. I know I have seen many male makeup artists in stores and they do a good job so I don’t see why it won’t eventually be normal to see men, as well as women, on the cover of makeup magazines.

  10. I really love how they did this because I do saw this being posted everywhere, meaning its being spread worldwide and its really starting to become a trend for men. I can see why they would up their price because the more demand from the people the more they are willing to pay for the product. It also surprised me that notwithstanding all the negativity that Covergirl was getting for the whole CoverBOY picture, the company handled it very well and they continued to stay in tact and continued to work their principles. Despite all the outputs given from what the Christian post says.

  11. I totally agree with the effectiveness of using a boy on the magazine because it does bring in other costumers. In our generation, more and more people are coming out, or just expressing themselves in a different way, so this is a great way of showing that. I think people are more accepting of this now a days, than they would have been 15 years ago. Notwithstanding Covergirl using a boy for their cover, it does raise questions for religious purposes. Some people are saying how it's "brainwashing" young children to think that there are no genders. Personally, I don't think young children are reading these magazines anyway, and if they are that young, then they most likely won't care if it's a boy or girl in the cover because they will just be focused on the make up aspect. I found it interesting how NARS can raise their prices on concealer due to the fact that men are willing to pay the more expensive price in order to cover up their manly features. The output of the concealer seems to equal the amount being bought. Overall, I think that it was beneficial for Covergirl to use a boy for their cover because it will now increase their profit, and could help young individuals who have troubles with coming out or being themselves.

  12. It's a good idea Covergirl took this route, because it'll attract more people. It'll help increase the demand, but this'll also help other guys feel more confident about themselves along with them wanting to purchase the makeup; so having an increase will be recognized. Additionally, with certain people thinking only girls can wear makeup, having a coverboy, will open up/create a better makeup industry for those companies.

  13. I agree that make-up tutorials are taking over the Internet, especially YouTube. I have also been noticing that make-up tutorials or how to have the perfect makeup is popular on all social media pages now, including Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. A lot of people on Instagram are being paid to wear name brand makeup and sponsor these brands. It’s interesting to see the new ways people are able to work and receive money. I’ve noticed that younger age groups are starting to become more involved with technology--this was noted when my fourth grade cousin was teaching me how to upload a video on YouTube--with these younger generations becoming more involved with social media, things like make-up tutorials become more popular. It’s no surprise that the social media world is evolving. It will be interesting to see the next big thing trending in a couple years. As for now, I definitely wouldn’t mind being paid to tell people what kind of makeup to buy, I don’t know about you.

  14. I absolutely love the fact that cover girl used a male to model their makeup for the first time ever. This output could change the future greatly by encouraging other makeup companies follow CoverGirl's steps and having men model their makeup products as well. This will most likely increase the number of guys wanting to wear/buy makeup and therefore increase the demand for makeup. When I go to makeup stores the only photos I ever see are girls wearing makeup. Having photos of guys wearing makeup will make guys who enjoy wearing makeup, feel more comfortable about doing so. This new idea of having men wear makeup for big makeup companies might also make guys feel confident enough to wear their makeup in public since I've never seen that in public yet. Also, when you talked about how many people disagree with guys wearing makeup I related to that so much because my dad is one of those people. My dad believes that since Adam and Eve were a man and a woman, it should stay that way so I see how incorporating men into makeup companies will have controversy. Overall, very interesting article.

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  16. I agree with Covergirl coming up with new Coverboy because it helps them to express themselves and be who they want to be. Men in makeup is becoming more widely accepted. Notwithstanding, it’s going to take so much open-mindedness to have it be a common thing. Because like you said, some religious beliefs might oppose the concept and also there are many other issues that can be a tact. For example, men might face some bullying when they go on public with wearing makeup. But at the same time, when there is someone representing them and telling them its ok for a guy to wear makeup (like the Coverboy) it also helps them to build up their confidence and be happy about who they are.

  17. It's crazy how much the demand for male makeup has gone up in the past year alone, and I bet that now that this is out the demand will only continue to increase. Trends play a role in determining demand, and since one of the most popular makeup brands in the world just endorsed male makeup, it's probably about to become more of a trend- which will only help increase its demand.

  18. I thought this was a very interesting topic for you to focus on. I never really thought about the fact that there are not many male makeup models. Yes, makeup is generally thought to be for only women, but really, I do not see why men should not be able to use it as well. I’m sure there are plenty of men out there who would like to use makeup but do not feel comfortable. But after seeing a boy on the new covergirl magazine, it will most likely boost their confidence and make men more likely to purchase makeup products rather than only girls. I feel that this is a great change for covergirl magazines since they are reaching out to a wider group of consumers and proving that their products can really be used for anyone, we should not limit these types of items to only one group of people.

  19. It’s amazing to reflect and see just how far the beauty industry has come in even just five years. While this opinion may hurt some people’s “good christian values”, it really is doing no harm. It’s simply providing a new outlet for people of other gender identities to express themselves. Obviously the makeup industry doesn’t have a problem with this, because their demographic has suddenly expanded ten-fold. Products such as concealer and bronzer can make anybody feel confident about their face, men included. I’m so happy for the newest Coverboy, as he is inspiring millions and simultaneously boosting the makeup industry. It’s fascinating to see how quickly high end makeup brands such as NARS, have jumped onto the band-wagon with higher prices. This will most likely be a trend for the future and it will be interesting to look back again in five years to see how much has changed in this industry.

  20. I honestly love that CoverGirl used a boy to model their makeup for the first time in history. I think it allows for the growth of our nation in mores ways than one. It allows men and women the opportunity to know that they can be whomever they want to be. I think it also allows our nation to realize that it is okay to be accepting of other people, because if a magazine can discriminate against men, then what else can they do? So, I think CoverGirl being accepting of this new change in our culture is amazing. Although, I have seen a lot of the hate surrounding this, that it's, "Cover GIRL for a reason," but I don't think these people have the intellect or knowledge to know how big of a change this is for the world, it's the principle behind it all - they'll accept you if you accept them and vice versa. I believe CoverGirl had to be tactful in their approach to this release at it could be seen as extremely controversial, which it was. But, at the same time the output of this magazine and where it was placed can have different effects too. I think CoverBoy's and CoverGirl's are going to change the way this nation looks at people, as we were raised on the understanding that everyone should be treated equal - and I think we are finally getting to that point, slowly.

  21. I liked how you had a time sequence in the beginning and had a nice order of topics throughout the whole piece. Before reading this I really never even was too aware about males wearing makeup besides like Caitlyn Jenner and some other obvious ones. I am kind of confused who is using makeup from the male gender because is it like transgenders and homosexuals, or is it also other men that are straight, but have a more feminine side? Either way I highly agree with your statement about how the makeup industry is going to increase financially. I know from having a girlfriend just how expensive all the different tools and products cost that girls use daily and those prices add up very quickly. These companies are seemingly going to be staying in tact and even making more and more money and getting more and more customers from now having male buyers. I also know that there are independent people and groups of producers that are coming out with their own makeup brands that sell very well, which will only add to the makeup market gross. Overall, I thought your blog was written very well and had great timeliness for how it’s happening now.

  22. By including males as potential customers in the make-up market, the population of consumers almost doubles! This means that the demand curve is going to shift to the right as the demand for makeup is getting higher and higher. Right now the shift may be subtle as not too many men are trying to get in on this makeup trend, but there is no doubt that as time goes on more and more males will get into the makeup market. I think it was a smart move for Covergirl to make a CoverBOY because it opens up a whole new area of possibilities. The only thing I could see going wrong is having the people who do strongly disagree with this start using other brands that do not support males wearing makeup, causing consumer taste to go down, and the demand curve to shift back to the left.

  23. I fully support guys using make up because just like girls, they are able to express themselves however they want to. Not every guy needs to be a stereotype; they can, and in my opinion, should branch their interests off into other things as well. Makeup was coined “feminine” a long time ago, but why? Girls wear makeup to conceal their flaws and bring out what looks good on them, so why can’t guys do that? Guys need confidence boosts too. I think this new Coverboy will allow men all over to gain this confidence and do what they want, despite what the world and society thinks.

  24. I do agree that make-up tutorials have defiantly become more of an interest within the past few years. By exposing people, especially teenagers, to these tutorials, it sparks and interest in which they then want to go out and buy all the products talked about. Since male make-up usage has grown over the years, I do agree that make-up brands are taking advantage of this opportunity. Given that the demand is so high, especially when it comes to teens, these brands know that people will be willing to pay a lot in order to mimic those in the tutorials. The output of these brands will continue to increase as the demand among both genders increases. Given that this is the first male to be on the cover of a principal magaizine, it will only promote more male interest to those who apply to purchase make-up. Notwithstanding the lack of tact when it comes to be considerate to males wanting to wear make-up, I do think that the demand for it will go up. The output of these companies will only grow. Given that the principle rules of gender in society are slowly diminishing, there is no doubt that male make-up usage will continue to grow. Also, I tend to not wear much make up so I was shocked to hear how much a little bottle of concealer was. If this is the case for the majority of the make-up used in tutorials, there is no doubt that make-up companies will be making a ton of money.

  25. I have never been much into makeup tutorials or makeup blogs or anything of that sort, but in the past year all over social media I have been seeing male makeup videos or posts. Many of the people I am friends with or "follow" have shared these types of things over the past year. Thousands, or sometimes even millions, of people have shared the same post or video, which shows that they are reaching a large population. These videos could be shared positively, for people in support of males and makeup, or negatively, like said in the blog because of different beliefs, but either way, the posts are all over the internet. Covergirl saw how these male inspired make up looks or artists were trending, and they took advantage of it in the market place. Even though notwithstanding judgement from some critics, the demand for products has increased, which is the goal of producers; they want more output of products. I am sure Covergirl was tact in how they displayed this model because they wanted to make sure no one was offended. They stuck with their principles and introduced the first Coverboy and it worked out in their favor.

  26. I understand what Covergirl is trying to do here but at least make the title different. If it’s going to be a Coverboy at least have of a somewhat creative way of changing the title. Nitpicking aside, it is definitely a positive for the makeup industry. You could say the demand curve is shifting to the right and therefore raising equilibrium to justify the raising of price on the concealer. The supply curve may also change as the trend takes off more and more, but currently I’d say the manufacturers are simply changing quantity supplied because equilibrium price is changing. One question though, is it bad if I hope this doesn’t take off? Yes everyone should have the freedom to do what they want but this is just something I just can’t visualize the majority of our population doing.

  27. When I first heard that the company had decided to put a male on the cover of the magazine, I thought it was really creative and that it was something that is starting to become more accepted, as it should be. I feel that a majority of the people that don’t believe it should be recognized are those in the older generation, those who aren’t willing, necessarily, to accept change. For those who are our age, it is more easily accepted, and then the companies are able to profit from that. It is important that the guy was on the cover, because they company is targeting the generation who actually uses the makeup and those who are already accepting of the gender stigma attached to using/wearing makeup.

  28. I think that this is a well-timed choice for Covergirl as a company. With the presidential election, gender equality and transgender and homosexual rights have been more publicized than ever. Because these issues are gaining more and more media coverage and have been becoming more widely accepted, this was a good time for Covergirl to try to expand their market. Overall, being one of the first makeup companies to do a campaign with a male cover model gives them a competitive edge and will shift up the demand for their brand specifically.

  29. For Covergirl to be the first makeup company to launch this new idea of having men incorporated into the makeup industry is a great idea. No other company has expanded this new idea of having men as the face of their company, so it will increase their popularity of future customers. By meeting the new standards of today's society, Covergirl can increase their sales and popularity just by previewing this new magazine cover. As you mentioned in your article, men are sharing more interest in makeup, might as well include them in the brands as well. By incorporating men into other makeup brands, this will meet the standards of the new target markets which will overall increase sales.

  30. I’ve seen this around in the news, and I have to say I’m surprised and incredibly happy at this step forward for this company. It’s wonderful to see that this is also benefiting the male makeup industry -- increasing the supply and demand for it is good to create a sense of normativity around makeup being a thing for all genders. Seeing the economic side of this is interesting, simply for the fact that most people don’t think about how beneficial it is. I think your prediction is right -- the companies will benefit from this, and although the comments may bicker and disagree about it, inevitably society will too.

  31. The idea of a boy being on the cover of a mainly women’s magazine shows a huge improvement in our society’s openness to everyone being able to express themselves. Although there are still people that do not like this idea, I think it’s amazing, and I’m sure makeup producers do as well. The demand for makeup is most likely going to increase due to the fact that now more males are willing to purchase it. This means that there will be a shift in the demand curve and the equilibrium price will change. The producers can raise the prices of items as they know it will still be sold. In general, this magazine cover is a benefit for males and makeup companies.

  32. A boy being on the cover of Covergirl is a really big deal. It destroys the barriers there have been in the past with gender and makeup. With many men nowadays wearing makeup, creating cosmetic brands, or simply wearing nail polish, gender roles in society are diminishing. Yes these social advances are something to be proud of, but economically speaking, the makeup industry is going to have a lot more competition. Brands like NARS will have to compete with Jeffree Star Cosmetics or MakeupGeek since these two brands have male makeup artists as creators or associates. Although prices may increase, I think the makeup industry will also grow since it now has greater demand from all types of people. More products will be created, personalizing it to different types of skin or skin tones. By stepping up, Covergirl encourages men to be comfortable with who they are, and so do male celebrities in this industry. I think it’s really amazing how far things have come, despite some of the badmouthing. But, as a consumer of makeup, the rising prices are a bit worrying. However, if the reason for this is destroying gender roles, showing gender fluidity, or simply social justice, then I am willing to pay the extra money.

  33. I am so amazed at the new CoverBoy! I am a full supporter of breaking gender boundaries. I think that anyone is allowed to pursue their passions, no matter how different it may be. With CoverGirl adapting to this new culture, it shows how true of a company they are. It gives CoverGirl personality, edge, and respect. The make-up industry, however, will face some serious changes as more men turn towards make-up. Having the prices go up for big make-up brands may steer away more female customers, but it will also drag in new males consumers since those new consumers in the market will want the top quality, no matter what the price. I have to agree with Kavitha: if I have to pay higher prices for a good I love so others can do so as well, then so be it.

  34. This is my favorite blog post because everything about it is very true. Since it's something Cover Girl hasn't done, it obvious will strike some attention which will blow up the makeup industry considering Cover Girl is extremely well known. I remember this getting a lot of "hate", but also with a lot of hate comes good. The prices increased and went higher not only for male makeup, but people in general who support it. Personally, if this boy was wearing a highlighter that I seem to like, I would want to buy it because of the product itself. Putting a male as Cover Girl or, "CoverBOY" just puts it out there on an ad that will certainly get noticed.


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